Actualize your Potential Success    with Body, Mind and Spirit Healing.

(Techniques are successful independently)

Therapeutic Massage

Using my low pain, no pain technique to help you accelerate your wellness.

Life Journey Coaching

A journey guide for finding truth and order in the chaos to maintain alignment with the potential for a most fulfilled life.

Intentional Caring Method  Vibrational Energy & Spirit Healing

Aligning and optimizing your energy bodies, clearing invisible obstacles, connecting to your highest potential.


I have what you need to optimize your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experience. 


My "low pain, no pain"  massage technique speeds recovery, increase neural involvement, decrease recovery time and increase freedom of motion.


My Life Journey coaching enhances awareness, mental resilience, determination, and passionate pursuit of excellence. 


My Intentional Caring method of energy healing applies the universal forces of Love and Presence to align and repair energy bodies, repair energetic leaks, re-call personal power, clear invisible obstacles (such as attachment to prior injury) and connect to your highest potential. 


All Three techniques can be used in any combination for the actualization of your potential. 


Therapeutic Massage

  •  Unparalleled body reading skills (medical intuitive)
  • Targeted attention,  "look, listen and feel" to identify the root cause of pain point
  • Whole client acknowledgement with a blend of eastern and western techniques.
  • Integrating vibrational energy therapy and neuroplasticity to retrain the brain to optimize movement.  

Outstanding service: 


My unique educational and experiential background provides me with a  broad skill set to address your individual needs. 

"Thinking outside the box" solutions- every session is customized to your Intention on the day with consideration of your goals to maximize benefits and  accelerating the restoration of your health. 


15 years of continued practice


I have worked with a range of clients:  from Olympic hopefuls, military service veterans, paddlers, skiers, weightlifters, track and field athletes, footballers, construction workers, office bound explorers, pregnant mamas, new parents, infants and children and many more.


Athletes come in all shapes, sizes and ages! 

I have personally worked with clients from 1 day old to 92 years young so far!

Intentional Caring Method: Energy & Spirit Healing work         Distance or in person

Integrated Energy Therapy ®    assists in healing body, mind and spirit so that the vital life force flows through your body. 

Active 12-Chakra Balancing: 

optimizing the energy centers of your body to enhance wellness in all areas of your life


Intentional Caring Method: 

Using the universal forces of Love and Presence align and repair energy bodies, repair energetic leaks, re-call personal power, clear invisible obstacles (such as attachment to prior injury or personal trauma) and connect to your highest potential. 

Journey to deLIght (R) Life and Health Coaching


This is a multi-step transformative experience working with the body mind and spirit to raise the vibration of your mind/body/spirit system.

I will meet you where you are, hold the vision for your highest potential and believe in you with the power of unconditional love. I will support you, stretch you, walk beside you and guide you as we bring awareness to your life patterns, uncover the truth behind them and change your perspective on it forever.  Then, I will lead you through the rediscovery process to connect to who you are as a soul, what you are here to offer the world and reconnect you with your joy.

Finally you will embody this higher vibrational life and become the force of deLight you are here to enjoy.  


This is a process that requires a different amount of physical time for each person to work through, however the three levels remain the same. I do offer different levels of connectedness (frequency of calls) based on your place in the cycle and my intuitive connection to your process. The following is the 20,000 foot view of the process.


   First we will "Update your Operating System" focusing on healing recurrent patterns, uncovering subconscious personal truth, releasing trauma and re-writing your personal beliefs about the world and your place in it. 


  Second,  we will "Remember your Brilliance" as we dive deep into your joy, bringing forth who you are as a person and a soul. Enhancing your connection to yourself, to Joy and Play once again. 


Third, we will "Embody Brilliance" as we illuminate the beauty of you to find your soul tribe, your service and better understand the instrument you play in the orchestra of life.  


Are you ready to reveal your heart centered path to your greatest fulfillment.

Are you ready to be guided, supported and held accountable as you do this deep inner work?

Are you ready to answer the calling of your spirit and embody joy and delight ? 


Contact me to book an Introductory session today!


 How I do:  I use an assertive intentional care methodology that isn't for everyone.

I consider myself the lighthouse for lost souls and my super power is what I call a  20T Love Laser. 

 I will take all of your pain and suffering and direct this vibration of universal love and with greatest empathy, compassion and presence, I will love the hurt away. 


I continually embody the highest level of integrity, honesty and presence so that you know (sometimes without knowing why) that you are safe in my care. That I will always support you in the best way possible and I will only give you what I intuit you can handle at the time.  In simplest terms, I will offer unconditional love, support, guidance and hope as you find your way from wherever you are to wherever you want to go. 


What is an Introductory session? 

      It is the first 30 minute call  ... and it is free!  

     In this call we will discover :

          what is holding you back,

          where you want to be instead and

          the (mind,body,spirit) weight of staying put. 

       I will empathetically connect with you (with your permission of course) during this call and

          by the end we will know if we are a good fit.

          we will then either go our separate ways or schedule your first session. 


Click that button below, you read this far, let's chat.